The Rotoscopers review Disney’s first modern animated movie, the 1961 canine classic One Hundred and One Dalmatians.
- Nerdy Couch Discussion: Animated henchman – who are our favorites, what qualities do you like in a henchman?
- Main Discussion: One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)
- What if Disney made a live-action movie telling the tragic backstory of Cruella De Vil?
- Differences from the book and movie.
- This was the first film to use the iconic Xerox method, which Disney used for many of the films from this era.
- The incredible opening credits. Good thing they had Xerox…all those dalmatians in one frame!
- Pongo’s opening monologue, talking about the different prospects. Gotta love dogs looking like their owners.
- If they are so poor, how can they afford a housekeeper?
- The nonsense version of Cruella De Vil.
- Jump-starting the puppies and their obsession with TV.
- Introduce our two henchmen: Horace and Jasper.
- The twilight bark and Lady and the Tramp cameos.
- Hell Hall and the hilarity of What’s My Crime?
- The animation of the cars in the film.
- Gotta love the villain-henchmen hissy fit.
- Old 1990s merchandise: happy meal toys and talking books.
- Listener question: who is your favorite character and why?
- We rate it!
- Voicemails & mail bag: Yuri, Brandon, Billy, Joshua, Chris, SimbasGuard, and Sophie. Plus special snail mail from Billy!
- When talking about this episode on Twitter, use the hashtags #AnimAddicts and #YouIDIOT!
Runtime: 1:58:51 117.2 MB
- Watch One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Blu-ray | DVD
- Buy soundtrack: Amazon | Digital | iTunes
- Charmaine’s Gaston and Steele fan art
- The Making of One Hundred and One Dalmatians
- F*** Yeah Roger Radcliffe
- DisneyToon Studios and the Sequels That Never Were
- One Hundred and One Dalmatians Quotes |
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