Walt Disney Animation Studios just released the official trailer for its 59th animated feature film, Raya and the Last Dragon, a story inspired by the cultures and people in Southeast Asia. In the teaser trailer, the fabled last dragon was only hinted at, the last hope for peace among numerous political conflicts in Raya’s country. In the official trailer, the much-sought-after dragon is, perhaps, not quite as impressive as Raya and her unlikely band of misfits hoped it would be.
Raya and the Last Dragon takes us on an exciting, epic journey to the fantasy world of Kumandra, where humans and dragons lived together long ago in harmony. But when an evil force threatened the land, the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity. Now, 500 years later, that same evil has returned and it’s up to a lone warrior, Raya, to track down the legendary last dragon to restore the fractured land and its divided people. However, along her journey, she’ll learn that it’ll take more than a dragon to save the world — it’s going to take trust and teamwork as well.
Animation Magazine
From a screenplay by Qui Nguyen (Vietgone) and Adele Lim (Crazy Rich Asians), Raya and the Last Dragon is directed by Don Hall (Big Hero 6) and Carlos López Estrada (Blindspotting) with John Ripa (Moana) and Paul Briggs (Frozen) as co-directors. Peter Del Vecho (Frozen, Frozen 2) and Osnat Shurer (Moana) serve as the movie’s producers.
Animation Magazine reports that the fantasy-adventure movie will feature the voices of Kelly Marie Tran (Star Wars: The Last Jedi), Awkwafina (Crazy Rich Asians), Gemma Chan (Captain Marvel), Daniel Dae Kim (Lost), Sandra Oh (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power), Benedict Wong (Doctor Strange), Izaac Wang, Thalia Tran, Alan Tudyk (Wreck-It Ralph), Lucille Soong (Fresh Off the Boat), Patti Harrison (BoJack Horseman), and Ross Butler (13 Reasons Why).
Raya and the Last Dragon will premiere on March 5, 2021, in theaters and on Disney+ with Premier Access of $29.99.