Jack and the Cuckoo Clock Heart premiered earlier this year at the New York International Children’s Film Festival and thanks to its success the film will be screening at New York’s Village East Cinema on Sunday September 21st, with more screenings across the country in the following weeks.
As we’ve been keeping an eye on this film for quite some time, you may remember that the film is going to be released on Blu-ray and DVD on October 7th of this year, jut weeks after it’s set to open in theaters, which works really well considering the film will be in theaters such a short time and it is definitely one to see. Just check out the trailer below:
Jack is born on a day so cold that his heart freezes. In its place he is given a mechanical wind-up heart, which comes with some very peculiar rules – the gravest of which is that he is forbidden from falling in love. Yet when a chance encounter with an equally unusual girl sends him on a journey from his native Edinburgh to Andalusia, Jack decides to challenge the rules that govern his very existence.
It should also be noted that for the New York screening on September 21st, the first 30 families in line will get a FREE copy of the film!