Sony Pictures Animation is preparing a grand closure to Drac’s hotel in Hotel Transylvania: Transformania, the fourth and final instalment of their biggest franchise. With the first official trailer released, the series finale will be providing us with a big switch-up. Not only with our favourite monsters being transformed into freakish humans, but also Drac getting a brand new voice! More on that aspect a bit later, but first, here’s the trailer:
Described by Johnny as “Freaky Friday, but on a Tuesday”, here’s Transformania‘s insane synopsis:
When Van Helsing’s mysterious invention, the “Monsterfication Ray”, goes haywire, Drac and his monster pals are all transformed into humans, and Johnny becomes a monster! In their new mismatched bodies, Drac, stripped of his powers, and an exuberant Johnny, loving life as a monster, must team up and race across the globe to find a cure before it’s too late, and before they drive each other crazy. With help from Mavis and the hilariously human Drac Pack, the heat is on to find a way to switch themselves back before their transformations become permanent.
Sony Pictures
Series leader Genndy Tartakovsky returns for the final instalment as the screenwriter and an executive producer. However, instead of directing this time, Tartakovsky has passed the touch onto two storyboard artists for their feature directorial debuts; Hotel Transylvania 2 storyboarder Jennifer Kluska, and Nickelodeon/DreamWorks veteran Derek Drymon. Sony Pictures Imageworks once again provides the series’ signature cartoony visuals.
Most of the series’ cast will be reprising their voice roles in Transformania. This includes Andy Samberg as Johnny, Selena Gomez as Mavis, Jim Gaffigan as Van Helsing, Kathryn Hahn as Van Helsing’s daughter Ericka, Steve Buscemi as Wayne the Werewolf, Molly Shannon as Wayne’s wife Wanda, David Spade as Griffin the “Invisible” Man, Keegan-Michael Key as Murray the Mummy, Fran Drescher as Eunice, and Asher Blinkoff as Drac’s grandson Dennis. Gomez will also serve as an executive producer on the film.
One important absence from the cast you may have noticed is Adam Sander, who for unknown reasons, did not return to voice his iconic role of Dracula. Taking his place is voice actor Brian Hull, a popular YouTuber best known for his authentic impressions of Disney characters. Hull recently made his spotless debut as the new Drac in the Hotel Transylvania shot Monster Pets.
Kevin James, who voiced Frank in the previous entries, is also notably absent from the voice cast. Frank’s voice replacement is said to be Brad Abrell (Gravity Falls) according to IMDb.
Unlike Sony Animation’s three other 2021 movies (The Michells vs. The Machines, Wish Dragon, and Vivo) which were sent directly to Netflix, Sony Pictures will give Hotel Transylvania: Transformania a traditional theatrical release via its Columbia label. The final installment is currently dated for July 23, 2021, in the United States.