The Giant Incandescent Resonating Animation Festival returns to Canada for its 11th year between November 26 – 29, 2015.
GIRAF is run by the Quickdraw Animation Society, a non-profit, artist-run centre in Calgary Alberta. The GIRAF team have been dedicated to bringing the best in independent animation from all around the world. This year they’ve gone through nearly 1,000 submissions from over 65 countries. Visitors to the festival will be privy to the most exciting, boundary-pushing, and all-around-magical films.
Highlights include features like a showing of The Quay Brothers in 35mm, a ‘mixed tape’ of indie animated shorts, and a workshop by writer and artist Lindsay Sorell from Quickdraw Animation. Lindsay and GIRAF are both interested in areas where handmade and digital, technological and magical can overlap. That’s why, when GIRAF decided they wanted a set of handmade 3D holograms to decorate this year’s festival, they chose Lindsay for the job.
GIRAF is at the Globe Cinema and Quickdraw Studios. You can find more information about the schedule and tickets here. Also check out Quickdraw Animation’s video for the event below:
What do you think of GIRAF? Would you like to visit?
Edited by: Kelly Conley